In the event of an incident occurring out of your normal working hours our network partners will be dispatched to your premises and deal with the situation.
If there is a break in our network partners will follow assigment instructions for your site that are completed on day one of your agreement with us.
If it’s a false alarm our network partners will ascertain, where possible, the cause of the false alarm in order to prevent it happening again.
The officer will arrive at your site in a branded secucity venicle and will patrol key points of your building and grounds to ensure all is in order.
Mobile patrols are random and never form a pattern so nobody can predict when the next one will be. The mobile patrol officer will visit another customer’s site after your patrol. You only pay for the officer’s time whilst they are actually patrolling your site.
Mobile patrols are the most cost effective method of having your business regularly checked.
During the evening we will arrive during a mutually agreed window of time and turn off any non-essential appliances such as photocopiers, lights and air - conditioning, as well as making sure that the Intruder Alarm is set and the Fire Alarm is functioning before locking the and departing.
In the morning patrol officer returns and opens up, switching on the appliances that were turned off the night before and ensuring tha the building is ready for business that day.
We are happy to escort your team to their cars each evening to make sure they exit site securely.
Void property inspections can be tailored to suit the requirements of the customer and the insurance company.
Physical check of property for damage or theft, squatters or evidence of illegal entrance. Mobile patrols are the most cost effective method of having your business regularly checked. We can remove mail and collect utility meter readings.
Many insurance companies make these inspections a requirement of cover and will discount premiums if a security company is contracted to deliver them.
Allowing regular maintenance procedures to be carried out after the normal working day has ended.
Ensuring that your team do not have to wait for an engineer to fix a broken item after their regular day ha enden.
Accepting deliveries from couriers and other firms out of hours.
In the case of void properties that are for sale allowing an estate agent access with potential viewers accompanied by a member of the Nexus network team.
Here at Nexus we are trained to expect the unexpected and appreciate that security resks can raise their head at very short notice and are here to help.
Working with our network of partners covering the UK we will endeavour to provide all of our core products and srvices to you on a temporary basis.
For customers who are currently under contract with Nexus for one of our core product and a short term addition to their portfolio we guarantee that we will be able to deliver it.